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Current Program Information

The California Department of Public Health recognizes the crucial importance of water safety and drowning prevention in our community and has deemed indoor swim lessons to be essential in any tier.

Accordingly, Splash Swim School is open and enrolling students into swim lessons. In response to current and evolving guidelines and for the safety of our students and staff, we have adjusted our program offerings. Please see below for the most up-to-date class information and policies, as it is subject to change.


  • 30 min. lessons, once-per-week
  • 4 or 5 classes per month, calendar depending
  • Group (4:1)- $132 per month
  • Semi-Private (2:1)- $186 per month
  • Private (1:1)- $288 per class
  • Annual membership fee must be current ($35 per student)


  • 30 min. lessons;
  • M-Th in one week (4 classes)
  • Group (4:1)- $122 per session
  • Semi-Private (2:1)- $172 per session
  • Private (1:1)- $264 per session
  • Annual membership fee must be current ($35 per student)


  • 45 min. lessons, once-per-week
  • 4 or 5 classes per month, calendar depending
  • Precompetitive group (6:1)- $132 per month
  • Annual membership fee must be current ($35 per student)

*Requires previous Superfish Club and/or swim team experience. Please contact the office for more details.


Due to space limitations and to allow for comfortable spacing outside of the pool, we will be limiting who can accompany the student(s) into the schools during their lessons. Please do not arrive more than 5 minutes before the start of your scheduled lesson.

  • Students who are GREEN or above, including SUPERFISH, will be dropped off at the deck entrance and caregivers must wait outside or in their vehicles.
  • Students who are YELLOW or below, may be accompanied by a caregiver. Limited seating will be available in the viewing areas of both schools. *There will be no seating on the pool deck at either school.

If you are accompanying a young swimmer inside one of our facilities, please pick them up at the deck door or gate. Older students should be picked up at the door and accompanied through the parking lot for safety.

You may book more than one class per week. Please contact the office for more details, payment and withdrawal policies, etc.

MULTI-DAY INTENSIVES: If you are booked into an intensive class (M-Th), you may cancel or change a future session up to the Wednesday before it starts and receive a full credit on your Splash account for future use. Due to current COVID guidelines, we are unfortunately unable to change or cancel a camp that is in session. Accordingly, there will be no credits, refunds or makeups for missed lesson days.

WEEKLY CLASSES: If you are booked into a swim class that meets once-per-week, you may change your class day, time or type with 24 hours advance notice. Please understand that in accordance with current COVID guidelines, we are trying to keep student groups as stable as much as possible for the health and safety of everyone. If you need to cancel your class for any reason, please submit your written withdrawal request thirty days in advance of your desired last lesson day. There will be no credits, refunds, or makeups for missed lessons.

To comply with social distancing guidelines, we will only have one staff member at the front desk at a time. We ask that you call or email our office with any questions, change requests, feedback, etc.

Showers are available for a quick rinse off after class, and bathrooms are open for student and family use. Please have your swimmer dressed and ready for swim before they arrive. Family changing rooms are available if needed and for all Water Baby and toddler parents to change your little swimmers onsite.

Students need a pair of goggles, the swimsuit they are wearing, and a towel for when they get out. Please have long hair pulled back in a low ponytail or wear a swim cap.

Precompetitive/Rec swimmers need a pair of goggles and a swim cap for long hair.

We have a number of these items for sale at the front desk for your convenience. Please contact the office for details. And remember, ALL students need to be ready to go when they arrive. Thank you!

We will not have loaner goggles on deck until further notice. Your student can swim without goggles for the day, or you are welcome to contact the front desk about purchasing another pair for your child.

Yes! We are so excited to welcome our littlest swimmers for once-per-week, water baby classes. Students MUST wear a reusable swim diaper, and parents are required to wear a mask or face shield when participating in a water baby class. Swim diapers are available for purchase at the front desk. Face shields are also available for purchase.

And remember, there is so much you can do outside of class for extra practice. Use sponges and cups to make sure that your child’s face gets wet during bath time, and when possible, we recommend showers over baths. It is hard to control where water goes in a shower, and it will make a big difference for when they are in swim class!


Get Started with Swimming Lessons Today at Splash Swim School